Saturday, February 17, 2007

6 months already!

Luke is growing so fast! And into such an incredible, lovely child...

At 6 months, he is

1. Saying "Nana" - well, he has been making the sounds for a few weeks now but I couldn't quite believe he was referring to me. Yep! I believe it now, he's calling my name.

2. Almost sitting up by himself - does for a few moments at a time now.

3. Eating in his very own high chair.

4. Started eating vegetables about 2 weeks ago. He's had carrots and sweet potatoes. Going for the green beans this week! His favorite fruit is mango.

5. Was sleeping throughout the night. On a growth spurt the last week or so and wakes up for a bottle at least once a night now.

6. Starting to use his hands to grasp objects. Can hold his bottle up a bit.

7. Still very social - will stop almost anything to "talk" with someone - even a stranger in the grocery store when he's crying!

8. Notices the pets - follows Drake the cat by turning his head and watching him.

9. Still likes to "stand" by being held up - very strong leg muscles!

10. Likes to hear his Nana sing, "Baby it's cold outside" when we're leaving in the mornings. And, baby, it HAS been cold! Coldest day in 5 years yesterday.

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