Saturday, March 10, 2007

You're amazing

I can't believe how fast you're doing everything now! And if I ever doubted that you knew what you were saying, when you say "nana" - all doubts have been removed. Today you were in your crib and fussing because I was taking too long to get in the room. As soon as you saw me, you yelled, "nana, nana, nana" as loud as you could. Yep, that would be me you're fussing at.

And how you do love your baby food. You even like prunes and peas! I felt sure you would balk at those. Nope, you love all food. And especially your sippy cup with watered down juice. Your eyes light up and you begin kicking your feet when you see it coming!

We're going shopping today for your first Easter outfit. Hope you like the mall!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

new developments

Found Luke's first tooth yesterday!

In the last 2 weeks, he's managed to:
  1. Sit up by himself for a few moments at a time
  2. Scoot around on his tummy using his arms
  3. Drink from a sippy cup for the first time, and do remarkably well
  4. Have apples juice for the first time - thinks even very watered down juice is just great!
  5. Have a bit of separation anxiety when someone walks away with him - when he can no longer see me.
  6. Socialize more with other babies - he's always been a talker - just can't figure out why other babies don't "talk" with him
  7. Throw his first temper tantrum - happens when he's eating baby food and I can't get it into his mouth fast enough. Also happens when he gets put in his car seat. Arches his back, screams, and even kicks at his high chair.
  8. That reminds me, also has his own high chair now and just loves to sit there like a big boy.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Former list of Likes/Dislikes for Archive

Infant seat
Infant bouncy chair
Infant swing
Spitting up
Too much noise or stimulation
Being put down

Christmas tree
Watching children
Pink light from Nana's curtains
CD with heartbeat
Warm bottles
Soft blankets
Being held

6 months already!

Luke is growing so fast! And into such an incredible, lovely child...

At 6 months, he is

1. Saying "Nana" - well, he has been making the sounds for a few weeks now but I couldn't quite believe he was referring to me. Yep! I believe it now, he's calling my name.

2. Almost sitting up by himself - does for a few moments at a time now.

3. Eating in his very own high chair.

4. Started eating vegetables about 2 weeks ago. He's had carrots and sweet potatoes. Going for the green beans this week! His favorite fruit is mango.

5. Was sleeping throughout the night. On a growth spurt the last week or so and wakes up for a bottle at least once a night now.

6. Starting to use his hands to grasp objects. Can hold his bottle up a bit.

7. Still very social - will stop almost anything to "talk" with someone - even a stranger in the grocery store when he's crying!

8. Notices the pets - follows Drake the cat by turning his head and watching him.

9. Still likes to "stand" by being held up - very strong leg muscles!

10. Likes to hear his Nana sing, "Baby it's cold outside" when we're leaving in the mornings. And, baby, it HAS been cold! Coldest day in 5 years yesterday.