Sunday, November 26, 2006

Solid foods

Baby Luke started cereal last night! I know, rice cereal (without fruit) is not so exciting. Unless the only other thing you've ever had to eat was predigested non-milk protein formula. Yumm..

I know he's ready for a lot more. He watches me eat and makes chewing motions with his mouth. Well, what else would he use for chewing motions?

I'm just a bit nuts right now. Despite the appearance of the cereal, Luke hasn't slept. Been up since 3 or 4 this morning. I don't remember which because I'm sleep-deprived.

Before that, his cousin woke up (he slept with me) and had wet the bed. Got him cleaned up and relocated and just then, Baby Luke wakes up. Took one solid hour to drink his bottle. Almost expired before he finished it.

Now he's helping me type. Thought he would give me a minute, but nope.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Coming home

Luke left the hospital after 4 days and came home to live with his Nana, his Auntie, and his cousin Nick. Not expecting the delight of having him, we scrambled to find items to meet all of his needs. Fortunately, Auntie had saved many of Nick's baby things. Added to that, friends gifted Luke with diapers, clothes, and other goodies. Soon our home took on the fun look of a baby nursery.

Luke only slept an hour or so at a time. He drank about 2 ounces of formula every 2 or 3 hours. Very tiny, he did everything in miniature. A very cuddly baby, he always enjoyed being held and talked to or sang to.

In fact, his Nana spent so much time with him, that she didn't have time to begin a baby book so she's just now blogging about how great he is!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

In the beginning

Luke was born on August 11, 2006.

The birth was 2 weeks early. He was a preemie - small for his age. The birth was both a planned C-section and emergency due to meconium. I, his Nana, was present in the operating room and saw him from the beginning. I held him even before his first bath. Like I did with his cousin and sister, I sang "This Old Man" to him (softly). He immediately took to it.

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